Sunday, July 29, 2012


上了clinical year.. 其中一个要学的事情,就是抽血...
不是我们没事找事做.. 我们在病人身上抽血的时候还要找HO见证和签名的.. >.<
(p/s: 我总觉得这种制度有点奇怪.. =.=) 

刚刚开始的时候.. 为了不要"折磨"病人.. 
淤血一散, 我们又"卷土重来"..
Hmmm... 至少我是这么觉得..
作天.. 决定跟朋友硬着头皮进病房要求HO让我们帮忙抽血..
HO给了我一个西洋女生.. 中dengue的 (通常一天要被抽三次血).. 
拿了"武器".. "浩浩荡荡"的走到病床旁边..
虽然已经心跳加速.. 表面上还是要装作很pro那样.. =.=
病人的手臂可能因为被抽了很多次, 已经有淤血了..
第一针.. 插到了血管.. 以为自己成功了...
没想到只流出一点点血而已.. agai~~!!
只好重抽了... (心痛 T.T)
换了针.. 找了另外一条比较没有淤血的血管..
(病人还在那边一直说"Painful~~ painful~~".. 弄到我更内疚 =( ... )
不管了..哄哄病人.. 深呼吸..专心..!! 
这一次.. 终于成功了!!
再不成功我就要哭了 T.T 
这两天.. 这整个的过程一直盘旋在我脑海里..
尤其是病人忍痛的表情和那几声的"Painful~~ painful~~" T.T
很内疚.. 但是又很无奈..
病人啊.. 真的非常对不起..
害你无端端多挨了一针.. =(
也谢谢你.. 让我有这么宝贵的经验..
你要早日康复哦!! >.<

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


GRACE by Laura Story

My heart is so proud. 
My mind is so unfocused.
I see the things YOU do through me as great things I have done. 
And now YOU gently break me,
then lovingly YOU take me 
and hold me as my Father 
and mold me as my maker.

At times I may grow weak 
and feel a bit discouraged, 
knowing that someone, somewhere could do a better job. 
For who am I to serve YOU?
I know I don't deserve YOU. 
And that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on. 

You are so patient with me, Lord.

As I walk with YOU, 
I'm learning what YOUR grace really means. 
The price that I could never pay was paid at Calvary. 
So, instead of trying to repay YOU, 
I'm learning to simply obey YOU
by giving up my life to YOU 
For all that YOU've given to me.

I ask you: "How many times will YOU pick me up, 
when I keep on letting YOU down?
And each time I will fall short of YOUR glory, 

how far will forgiveness abounds?"

And YOU answer:
 "My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking MY face, 
You'll walk in the power of MY daily sufficient grace."

主.. 使用我..